Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Press Release - Randall Rice to Address ITEA Cybersecurity Workshop

March 26, 2019, Oklahoma City, OK
Randall W. Rice, principal consultant of Rice Consulting Services, Inc. and a Director of the American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB), will present a technical presentation at the International Test and Evaluation Association's (ITEA) 5th Annual Cybersecurity Workshop on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019. The ITEA is the premier organization is a leading in advancing software test and evaluation, including cybersecurity, in the Department of Defense.  The conference is being held near the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Belcamp, MD. Mr. Rice's talk is sponsored by the ASTQB.
            Rice’s topic will be “Defining Solid Security Requirements” This presentation will show how software professionals can identify the security needs of a system and an organization for the purpose of achieving secure systems. “Software requirements are a challenge for most organizations, and security requirements are even more challenging. Most companies don't consider the security requirements of a system until it is too late. Then, the main options to achieve security are patches applied during the lifespan of the system or product.” said Rice from his office in south Oklahoma City.
            "ASTQB has been a leader in advancing software quality worldwide in all forms, including cybersecurity. We are excited to share this information with the DoD community," Rice continued.
            Rice has been speaking at international software testing conferences since 1990 and is a popular speaker at conferences such as StarEast, StarWest and EuroStar.
            Software testing is the activity organizations perform to assure the software they buy or build is working correctly. Because of the critical nature of many computer-based functions in everything from medical devices to automobiles, software testing is an important activity in reducing the risks of software failure. With the sharp rise in cyberattacks in all sectors, including industry and defense, security testing has become an essential way for companies to know if their security defenses are working as designed.

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